Below the stumpery and woodland garden, the water meadow channels water from a naturally occurring underground spring, down through a series of pools towards an open water meadow. The gently drifted planting scheme incorporates marginal plants such as prickly rhubarb (Gunnera manicata) and (Rodgersia aesculifolia), combined with perennials such as Persicaria polymorpha, Solidago spp., Euphorbia palustris and Astilboides tabularis. In early spring, the musky smelling flowers of skunk cabbages (Lysichiton americanus and Lysichiton camtschatcensis) provide colourful splashes of yellow and white through this area.

A wooden bridge at the lower end of the water meadow leads into a wildflower meadow through which a series of old drainage channels run. On the meadow, wildflowers such as ragged robin (Lychnis flos-cuculi), buttercup (Ranunculus spp.) and rushes (Juncus spp.) can be viewed in abundance. From these lower lying parts of the gardens there are great views back up to the arboretum and woodland garden. Plantings include a block of Betula nigra ‘Heritage’, situated amongst waterside trees such as Alnus, Populus and Salix spp.